Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Everything is a bit slower on the East coast....

You know what my favourite thing in the world is (besides Dan)? My iPhone. This is one amazing piece of technology here folks. I'm sitting in North Sydney, Nova Scotia bored out of my wits hoping our ferry is going to leave sometime in the next 4 days. Dan is fast asleep in his chair. We got here last evening to take our ferry to Newfoundland and enjoyed some local music down on the wharf since we were pretty early. Then we sat and waited an hour just to get our tickets for the ferry which we had already booked a couple days ago. Our boat was supposed to leave at 2:30am so we curled up and had a nap for a couple hours. And then a couple more... A few trucks got loaded on the ferry and then it left (?!) without and passenger vehicles. Now it's creeping up on 7am and a few cars have gotten onto another ferry and they seem to be moving cars to other line ups just for the sake of moving people around. This is brutal. BUT thank goodness for my iPhone because I can update our blog and relieve some boredom for a little while. They keep making announcements over an awful speaker system but it's like listening to Charlie Brown's teacher I swear. I think she may have just announced it would be faster to staple jellyfish to our vehicles and let them swim us to Newfoundland.....

1 comment:

  1. Poor Ronka,

    So near, & yet so far. I think you're on Island time already. Well, that's one way to slow down the hectic pace of life. On the bright side, you'll be able to see where you're going, now that it's daylight. (1/2 hour earlier in New Foundland)
